Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A blobling (zygote) is a tiny one-celled person in the womb, but its right to life is full-sized. We call these tiny persons, in the womb-phase of life, bloblings for several reasons. Abortion advocates had thrust a version of the term down our throats for years, telling us that what existed in the womb was only a “blob of tissue” and they even went so far as to claim that this “blob of tissue” was a part of the mother’s body. Obviously, their purpose was to sidestep the reality of logic and science, to mitigate their guilt for supporting the destruction of what they knew in their hearts to be a new human person. Our position is that it would be more accurate to identify these so-called “blobs of tissue” as human seedlings planted in utero. Each blobling is a separate person, individuated by a full complement of DNA. Bloblings are innocent, voiceless, and defenseless members of our human family; they have the right to continue nature’s cycle of growth to birth, and beyond. The moment a new human life begins in the womb, he or she is equal to every other living human person in any other stage of life, and is entitled to all rights, and it’s our duty to defend those rights.

We believe America must reclaim its greatness and its goodness, and that can only happen when every single living human person is free to enjoy the promise of our Declaration of Independence. Today, a new life in the womb is judged as subhuman, without the right to continue to live. Only a mother’s choice of acceptance can grant full humanity to the preborn life in her womb. If a new preborn life is not granted a mother’s choice , it can be destroyed despite the fact that he or she has the same intrinsic nature as one who is chosen to live.

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