Tuesday, October 14, 2008


“Bloblings” has two primary goals. The first is to stimulate an open and honest dialogue on the abortion crisis; it divides our nation, and ruthlessly destroys American lives, the second is to help generate a renewed sense of urgency to halt what is obviously a barbarous act of social suicide that deprives our nation of its citizenry. When human life is at stake, time is of the essence. The longer we are in denial, evasive, stubbornly holding to our prejudices, or purposely distorting facts, to defend or promote a personal, or a group agenda, the more our social infirmity will consume us.

Tolerance and delay have bred a social callousness, a hardness of heart, which has weakened our instinctive repulsion to the purposeful killing of our own human species for reasons of personal safety and/or convenience. A solution to the abortion debate is the major social obligation of our day. It’s the debt we owe to our Forefathers, and to all those who fought and died for our freedoms, and to the millions of innocent preborn girls and boys who are being killed—by the choice of the very people who brought them into existence.

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