Monday, October 20, 2008


If we use our imagination and our common sense, we can find the answer to the question of how a blobling would vote in the coming election. Every person who has ever lived was once a blobling. The Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of 1973 destined millions of these preborn lives to death by abortion, it continues at the rate of about 3500 abortions a day. If we envision ourselves back in our earliest stage of life, knowing that about 30% of all bloblings never make it out of the womb alive, how would we vote?

Preborn life was once respected and accepted as equal to all life. A pregnancy was usually a time of joyous expectations; the blobling, even one that was an undesired surprise, would be welcomed, revered, and protected. But, now a pregnant woman has the legal right to choose (decide) a quick and dreadful death for the preborn life she carries in her womb.

We cannot ignore the core questions that challenge our behavior. Is there a moral aspect to a woman’s right to choose death for a person, other than herself? Does the choice to destroy life contradict the nature of the reproductive process? Do we ignore common sense when a death is permitted by means of a choice? How does a woman who becomes pregnant suddenly gain the supreme power, and moral right to decide if a child will live, or a blobling will die? And if her choice is abortion, but during the abortion process the a baby survives, as some have, then by what power does the essence of this preborn life, with no rights, shift to the essence of a baby person, with all rights? And finally, how can we sentence an innocent person to a capital punishment, as though he or she had been proved guilty of a capital crime, beyond the shadow of doubt, in a court of law?

The difficulty of exploring these critically relevant questions is that we all have a tendency to ignore objective truth when it appears to be contrary to what we have been persuaded to believe. Historically, the growing preborn blobling, in his or her earliest stage of life, has always been accepted as an equal member of the human family, and as such, is entitled to all the rights promised by our Forefathers in the Declaration of Independence. If a blobling could vote, we know that he or she would vote for a pro-life candidate.

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