Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The blobling is the gateway into the human family. It’s the point where moral behavior becomes the overriding determining principle; once new life begins, a woman’s right to choose is transformed into a woman’s obligation to be responsible to the procreative power of motherhood, i.e., to protect and nurture the person growing in her womb. There is no doubt that a woman’s right to choose is an intrinsic right, she is the sole judge of when and if she wants to have a baby. However, in a civil society all rights and freedoms have limitations that demand responsible behavior. The right to choose must be exercised before conception; this is clearly the historical meaning of reproductive rights. Once a blobling has been conceived, by the “choice” of human behavior that produces life; the right to choose has been exercised. Thereafter, choosing to abort the blobling in the process of growth is to exercise a second choice, that second choice deprives the blobling of his or her rights, and is an act of one person choosing to have another person killed. Under the conditions of full knowledge and reflection, this choice can be defined as an immoral act of willful murder.

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